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Programming | CSV Upload Guide
Programming | CSV Upload Guide

This guide will walk you through how to bulk upload your programming through a CSV file.

Gabriella Redfern avatar
Written by Gabriella Redfern
Updated over a week ago

You can bulk upload your programming to BoxMate with our CSV upload file. This way of programming allows you to input programming over a large timeframe, (e.g a month or more) into the CSV file quickly before uploading the file to your session calendar to populate it with sessions.

Please read the below guide before filling in the template as it must be done in the exact way outlined in this guide for the upload to be successful.

Below is a screenshot & the link to the empty template you will download to fill in:

Below here is a screenshot & a link to an example pre-filled CSV FILE so you can see more clearly where information needs to go:

For the CSV file to work and upload properly you must make sure to input your programming in the specific way outlined below under each of the headings. Do not remove columns or change names on the CSV file before uploading.


The format of your date must match YYYY-MM-DD

Session Details:

In this box, you can include the overview of your session then a space followed by the warmup.

Coaches Notes:

This box is for you to add any information that is purely for your coaches to see such as session timings, coaching tips etc - members will not see this information.

Now, you have 4 empty workout templates that you can use to build your sessions. Each workout has 4 different columns (1. Name 2. Type 3. Details 4. Notes 5. Sets )

If you only need to add one, or two/three workout(s) to a session simply ignore the other columns leaving them blank. If you don't require one of the columns, for example your workout doesn't need any notes or sets adding, then just leave them blank - do not delete the column.

Below I'll walk you through the various types of workout you will want to be able to build in the CSV and the different ways to use the template, including: custom wods, named wods, strength sessions & sets).

(For Building New Custom Workouts):

Name: Leave this column blank because workout names will be auto-generated using the programme name and date.

Type: In this second column, write in one of the below workout types in CAPS so that BoxMate will know how you want your members to record their scores:

TIME - Recorded by time

REPS - A single reps score only

AMRAP - Rounds and reps logged

QUALITY - No score required

COMMENT - Score logged simply as a comment

WEIGHT - For a unique workout type where the score is weight (max in remaining time etc)

INTERVAL-R-C - Multiple reps scores added and combined to one overall

INTERVAL-T-C - Multiple time scores added and combined to one overall

Details: In this column you will input the details of the workout as you normally would when building a session e.g the exercises and reps (you can see the example template at the top of the guide if you need more help with how this should look).

Notes: In this column add any notes that go along with the workout that you want your members to see. This is usually useful when the workout is an exercise and you want to explain to members what to do e.g 'Build up to a heavy single - let's see some PRs'.

Sets: Leave Blank - this column is for when you have built an exercise type as the workout and want to specify the sets you are building, please read below under Building Strength/ Sets for more details on this.

(For Building Named Workouts):

Name: This workout type is really easy to build. If you want to build a named WOD, for example, Fran, simply type 'Fran' into the name column and this will be built for you. There is no reason to fill in any of the other columns unless you want to add any notes into the notes column for your members.

Type: Leave Blank

Details: Leave Blank

Notes: Add in any notes you want your members to see about the wod.

Sets: Leave Blank

This also works for custom workouts you have ALREADY built and that exist in your BoxMate library. Just make sure that the name matches exactly when you type into the name column.

(For Building Strength/ Sets):

Name: In the name column type in the exact name of the exercise you want to build, for example: 'Thruster' or 'Back Squat 5RM'.

Type: Leave Blank

Details: Leave Blank

Notes: Add in any notes for your members here - this can be info like, 'Build up to a heavy single - let's see some PRs!)

Sets: If you don't want the exercise built as sets, simply leave the column blank. If you want to build this exercise as sets then you can easily do that with this column.
Two different ways of building sets are supported. You can either type the sets with a 'x' or with a comma to separate them:

1. For example, you may want to build Back Squat 5RM and have your members doing 10 sets of 5. To do this, simply type: 10 x 5 into the sets column and this will be built as 10 sets that your members can log against.

2. Or, you may want members to build to a heavy 1RM for a movement and start with 5 reps, moving down 4, 3, 2 before a 1 rep of a movement. So here, you would simply type: 5,4,3,2,1 into the sets column and 5 different working sets will be built for your members to record against.

**Important** 4 workouts maximum per session are supported, if you needed to add more than 4 workouts to a session please let us know.

Once your CSV file is ready it's time to save it to your computer and then upload it to BoxMate. So, from the sidebar menu in your Admin area head to Programming > Calendar

In the top right corner you will see the 'Actions' button, click here and from the dropdown select CSV upload.

Now, from the popup select the programme that you want to add these sessions into and simply select the CSV file you've saved onto your computer before clicking upload.

Now, your sessions will be added to your BoxMate calendar saving you a whole lot of time inputting your programming! We'd love to hear your thoughts on this tool, so if you've given it a try - let us know!

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