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Getting Coaches on BoxMate With TeamUp
Getting Coaches on BoxMate With TeamUp

Learn How to Set Yourself & Your Coaches up with Synced BoxMate and TeamUp Accounts.

Gabriella Redfern avatar
Written by Gabriella Redfern
Updated over a week ago

For the Root Admin/ Owner of the BoxMate + TeamUp Business Accounts

When we set up your BoxMate account we will automatically create you both an admin account and a member account. This means that you can access your BoxMate admin area and also download 'BoxMate Member' from the app store and login right away!

Having both a coaching and a member account is handy as it means you can see exactly how your programming looks for your members on the member app, and you can also access lots of coaching tools for on-the-go right from the app on your phone!

As part of the Guided Setup when you first login to the BoxMate Admin/ Coaching area you will sync your TeamUp Business Account so that data is pulled through to the account and you can access information on your Business Health Dashboard and CRM.

The next step will be to connect your TeamUp Customer account to your BoxMate Member app so that you can see all classes displayed, check who is booked in and mark as attended and no-show from your phone.

For you to be able to connect your BoxMate member account to your TeamUp account inside the app it's important that you create yourself a customer account on TeamUp first. This is because you can't connect your BoxMate member account to your business TeamUp account.

Doing this inside TeamUp is really easy! Sign into your TeamUp account and you can easily check if you already have a customer 'Consumer' account by clicking the drop down in the top right hand corner (as in the screenshot below!)

If you do have a consumer account showing in the list you just simply need to click 'Connect TeamUp' inside your BoxMate app and follow the steps to sync your accounts with the email on your TeamUp consumer account.

(This video shows you how do to this - (

Now, your BoxMate member app is fully synced to your TeamUp Customer account and you can see and do everything inside the app that your members can do along with your added coaching extras. On the timetable you will be able to see the names of members booked onto the classes (members can't see this info) and click to see any coaching notes, and the 6th tab along the bottom is your coaching corner where you can complete various actions such as sending messages/ nudges and approving members etc!

If you don't see your name in the dropdown list on TeamUp as a consumer account, you just need to add yourself as a customer. To do this, click customers, customer list and then 'Add Customer.' (As seen in the screenshot below). Now you have a customer account in TeamUp and you can connect this to your BoxMate account easily.

Booking Classes on TeamUp inside BoxMate

If you want yourself and your coaches to be able to book onto your own classes too then you just need to add yourself and your coaches to a membership on a 'free rate' so that you can access booking without having to make any payment.

To do this, head to your customers list and find yourself or the coach you are looking for. Click onto their profile and then click on memberships (as seen in the screenshot below).

Now, click 'select' on the Membership you want to add yourself and your coaches to making both the recurring payment and first payment as £0. (As seen in the screenshots below)

Getting Coaches on BoxMate

Once your account is fully up and running you'll want your other coaches to be set up too!

If they are already on BoxMate as a member all you need to do is simply click the 3 dots next to their name in the BoxMate members' list and then 'Promote to Coach'. (As seen in the screenshots below)

Toggle the permissions you are happy for them to have and that's it! For more information on Admin Permissions check out the full article here >>

They will now have access to the BoxMate admin area and their Member account will now also show them special coaching tools too on the 6th tab along the bottom. You will already have put them on the free rate on TeamUp using the steps above (if they don't have to pay anything for this!) and so now they are good to go!

If they aren't yet a member of your BoxMate you can either add them on the members list or they can simply go to the app store and download 'BoxMate Member'.

If they already have a TeamUp customer account they can tap 'Use TeamUp' and login with their existing TeamUp details to create their synced account.

If they don't have a TeamUp customer account, they can register their BoxMate account and you simply need to add them to TeamUp as a customer and they'll be able to connect to their TeamUp account once inside BoxMate. This video shows the steps ( )

Reminder: Once they are in your BoxMate Members list, you follow the steps at the top (click the 3 dots next to their name and then 'Promote to coach' and they are now a coach on your BoxMate account!

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