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Lifestyle 🍎 - Coaches

Set up paid & free lifestyle and nutrition plans for your members.

Gabriella Redfern avatar
Written by Gabriella Redfern
Updated over a month ago

This article will walk you through how to set up both free and paid Lifestyle & Nutrition plans for your members and the different configuration options available.

Head to your sidebar menu and tap Lifestyle > Plans (This is a PLUS feature). Here you'll find your lifestyle plan page where all your active plans will display.

To start a new plan, click 'Add plan' to bring up your plan editor page.

Here you'll put in all the details to build out your lifestyle plan.

(Hot Tip: You can add a 'Plan Available Date' for the future to keep this hidden from members until a set date.)

Add in a title for your plan, e.g 'January Kick Start' or, 'New Member Plan' or 'X's July Plan' and then choose your plan type.

Plan Types:

Group - this is for all members to access. Anyone who has access to BoxMate / has the required membership if this is a paid plan will be able to see this plan

Individual - This allows you to create a custom plan for one individual in the gym

Selected members - this allows you to create a custom group of select members who will be able to access the Lifestyle plan.

Template - Template allows you to build out a Lifestyle plan with no set start date that will sit available for individual members to start whenever they wish to. This type of plan is perfect for if you have a plan which all new members need to go through when they sign up to the gym but will all be starting on different days and going through it individually.

Coach Access:

Next you can configure which coaches have access to this Lifestyle Plan. If you leave this blank all coaches on BoxMate (who have the Lifestyle permission) will be able to see and access the plan. If you select individual coaches from the drop down menu, only those coaches will have access to the plan and be able to make any changes/ see members progress and information.

Now, you'll decide if this is going to be a nutrition plan - e.g are you going to be asking members to keep a record of their calories, macros and meals as part of the plan. If not, leave the box unticked. But, if you are going to be tracking these metrics, tick the 'Yes'. box. Now a dropdown menu will appear (See below) and ask you to select which metric you'll be asking members to track. You can select just one or multiple.

If you do select 'YES' for the nutrition plan, once members have registered you will then go in and assign individual goals for each member (this step will be explained further down in the article on the plan overview step).

Next, you have the option to add 'tokens' to the plan you're building. This essentially works as a 'free pass token' for members to cash in against a metric during the duration of the plan without it affecting their overall compliance. For example, if you're asking members to complete 10,000 daily steps a member could choose one day of the plan to 'cash in a token' against their step count if it's lower than the required number. This was a requested feature, if you don't want members to have tokens, simply leave this blank.

Next, (see below image) you're going to set the plan start date (which will open a date picker) and then type in the amount of days the plan will last in the duration box. E.g a 3 week plan would be 21 days.

The plan available date is when this plan will become visible to your members in the app and allow them to start registering to join the plan.

The Plan Registration Closed Date is the date when member are not longer eligible to register for the lifestyle plan.

Now you can choose to make this plan free or paid. To keep it free meaning any of your members can sign up and register simply leave the box in the image below empty.

Or, if this is going to be paid for through a TeamUp membership type simply add in any membership type that will grant members access to this plan.

The next steps will ask you if you want to enable leaderboards and a plan chat. Leaderboards will mean participants of the plan can see where they are compared with other members - e.g who has done the most steps etc.

The plan chat will enable a WhatsApp Group style chat for you and your members to keep in touch and share thoughts during the duration of the plan.

Underneath here, the text box is asking for a short description of what members can expect as part of this plan when they are deciding whether to sign up and an image to display in the app along with the plan (This is a required field when building a plan).

On the next column, daily messages allows you to add in messages that will display for your members on set days during the plan. So, click the plus button in the right hand corner and then in the pop up simply type in the message you want to leave for members.

Once you have clicked 'add message' you'll see a red 'unset' button. Click this and from the pop up select the day you'd like this messgae to display. For example, if this was day 1, you'd type 1. If this was a message you wanted to pop up on day 3 of the plan, you'd type 3.

To add a metric that you want your members to track click the add button in the top right to open up the below metric pop up. You can search through our pre-built metric library or add in a totally new one. For example, 'Steps' and then in the target, you could type in the number of steps you want members to complete, e.g 10000. You can also say whether this metric should be completed each day, or once per week of the plan. If this is an optional/ non-essential part of the plan tick the 'optional' box. Making a metric optional will mean regardless of wether it has been completed or not it will not effect the members completion of the plan.

​Habits and feelings work in the same way as the metric pop up. Either search through the library or add your own to the plan. Feelings will give a slider bar for members to toggle.

In the Feeling pop-up, you’ll find ‘Feeling Label Low’ and ‘Feeling Label High.’ These labels appear at either end of the slider in the app (these are limited to 8 characters each). For example, if the feeling is ‘How well rested do you feel?’ you might set the labels to ‘Tired’ and ‘Well Rested.’

Check-ins will open the below pop-up. The Check-in input box is asking for a brief title/ description. e.g 'End of Week Check In'. Then you'll put the day that this check-in will be happening - e.g if this is on day 7 you'll type in 7.

(**Time Saving Tip -**) If this plan is running across a few weeks, e.g 5 weeks and you will be using the same check-in at the end of every week once you have added the check in and assigned the day you can then easily duplicate the check in and just go in and change the day number.

The check-in requirements box will ask you to tick what will be needed as part of the check in - e.g photos, measurements and weight.

(**Hot Tip:** You can add exemptions on required input for individual members - e.g if you have a member(s) who does not want to upload photos as part of the plan but the majority of members do need to do this, then set it as a requirement for all and for the individual member later you can add an exemption - this is covered further down in the article).

If you select 'Photos' in Check-In Requirement you will see that an additional box appears allowing you to specify which progress picture you would like the members to upload. (similar to multiple days in this pop up you will need to seperate these with commas)

When you select ‘Measurements’ under Check-In Requirements, an additional box will appear, allowing you to choose one or multiple measurements from our preset library. Members will then be required to record these measurements as part of the Check-In.

The next sections allow you to add in extra elements to your Lifestyle plan. You can upload PDF documents for your members to access. You can search your workout library with the search icon to add an existing workout, or build a new workout using the plus icon. You can add/ search through existing or new videos and add these to your plan.

Once/ If you add a video or workout, you can click the red 'unset' button to specify which day of the plan this will show for members.

​Recipes will allow you to search through your pre-built library of recipes or built a new recipe to add in for your members.

​Once you have finished building out your lifestyle plan click 'Save' and then you can head back to the main lifestyle page where you can view any of the plans you have created.

By clicking the three dots underneath the plan you will see three options to either remove/ delete the plan, announce it - this will open the announcement pop up to let you send out a notification to members, or 'update' to change or edit details.

The left option is 'View Plan'. This will open up the plan page where you can keep an eye on everything happening in the plan. You'll see an activity section in the top right which will keep you updated on what members are logging and getting up to. Underneath here is the plan chat group where you can read messages between members and enter into the chat yourself. You can then see an overview of the plan in the middle section as a quick reminder of what you have built in across the days of the plan and the metrics you are asking members to track.

Now, if you have set this up as a nutrition plan for your members you will want to add in here the individual targets for each member for calories, macros etc. Once members have started to register for the plan they will appear under the 'registered members' area. You can use the plus button to search for and add in members yourself but do keep in mind this will by-pass any TeamUp requirement for payments if this is a paid plan. This will work well if you have members you are adding to a plan for free or who are using an alternative way to pay you for the plan.

Once the members have registered and are showing in the plan you can click their name and an eye icon will appear next to them letting you know which member you are viewing. Now, in the middle section this will spotlight all the metrics and details for the selected member letting you see their progress/ what they've been logging and all other details.

To edit/ update and add in their individualised targets, click the 3 dots next to the selected member's name and 'Configure Participant'.

This will open up a pop up will all the metrics you have built into this plan & nutrition requirements if turned on and let you personalise them for each of the members in the plan. At any point in the plan, you can come back here and edit these targets. For example, on a plan where a member is needing to up or reduce their calorie intake at a specific point in the plan, you can tweak those requirements here and once changed, this will notify the member in question letting them know they have had changes made to their targets by you/their coach.

​In this section, this is also where you can add exemptions for individual members who will not be required to add certain information to their input / it won't impact their overall completion scores.

Editing/ Updating a Plan once Live:

It's important to note that once a plan has gone live, there are certain elements that you CANNOT change as this will cause issues with the completion scores for members.

You'll see that on any areas that you can't edit there will be no 'plus' icon and it will either say unavailable or limited. Limited options mean that you can still make limited changes. So, for example, you can increase metrics but not delete them. For example, if part way through your plan the step goal changes for everyone from 5000 steps to 7500 steps.

For members, they can find plans in their app after the Live date by going to Timetable and the signpost icon in the top left. By scrolling down they will be able to see all available Lifestyle plans and click to register.

To see the article/ guide for the members' app on Lifestyle plans click here.

They can also add the Lifestyle plan as a widget to their homepage to get quicker and easier access to the plan each day.

And that's how to use Lifestyle while it's in preview as part of your BoxMate PLUS subscription. Once the feature has been finalised there will be a video tutorial to follow.

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