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Lifestyle 🍎 - Members
Lifestyle 🍎 - Members

Access and take part in lifestyle and nutrition plans at your gym with ease.

Gabriella Redfern avatar
Written by Gabriella Redfern
Updated over a week ago

If your coaches have set up a lifestyle plan at your gym you can take part in it easily right from your BoxMate app.
To find active plans to sign up for, Head to the timetable tab on your app and then tap the signpost icon in the top left.
Now, scroll down past 'Competitions' and 'Challenges' to see 'Lifestyle Plans' 🍎 See image below. If there are no active plans for you to sign up for then the message will let you know this. However, if there is a plan, or multiple plans to join you can swipe through them here and then tap on the plan you want. Click 'Register' to sign up for the plan - the start date for the plan will also display here letting you know when the plan kicks off.

​If this is a free plan, you are now registered to the plan and can start inputting your data as soon as the plan begins.
​If this is a paid plan, and you already have the required membership type needed to access it, then you will be automatically entered into the plan. If you need to upgrade or purchase a membership type to access this plan then you'll be asked to purchase the required membership in order to join.
Now, once inside the plan page you can scroll and work through the daily steps set by your coaches and input the required information - e.g how motivated you're feeling, how many steps you have taken etc. All of this input information will auto-save so if you aren't quite finished / need more time to complete the steps you can finish it later. At the top of the plan page you'll see a daily plan progress chart letting you know the percentage you have completed so far.

In the top right, you will see a message icon (if the coaches have enabled chat when building the plan) which is where the group chat will live for this plan. Any members that are active participants will be able to write into this chat and share messages/ pictures and GIFs with you here.

Next to the message icon you'll see a calendar icon. This will open up a calendar so you can easily go back to any day in the plan and edit or update your metrics.

If your coach has set this up as a nutrition plan then you will be asked for your daily nutrition input which will open as a separate pop up and ask you to input your Calories carbs, fats, protein and pictures (depending on what your coach has requested from you). Do this at the end of each day so that you can put your totals in across the entire day in one entry.

Your TeamUp attendances will pull in automatically showing you how many sessions you've attended out of the total target set up in the plan. If the coach has programmed any weekly workouts for you to do and log scores for, they will show here too.


Your coach can set check in points throughout the course of the Lifestyle plan, which will ask you for additional information which might be measurements, weight, progress photos etc. This info is visible to yourself and your coach only. If a check in is due it will display clearly at the top of the plan page for you to find as in the image below 'Half way check in'.
Coaches can set exemptions for individual members. For example, if you are uncomfortable uploading progress pictures you can chat with a coach and they can make this an exemption for you without it impacting your overall scores / completion %.
It's worth noting though that all information you input can only be seen by yourself and the coaches at the gym.


If your coach has applied tokens to this plan, they can be used to 'by-pass' one of the required metrics. For example, it might be that your coach has allowed for 3 tokens over the course of a 4 week plan. This would mean that you could cash in a token instead of submitting your required 10,000 steps without it affecting your completion score. Once you've activated the token, you can then tap on whichever metric you are using the token against.


By tapping 'View Progress' at the top of the plan page you will be taken through to the plan progression page where you can see your completion. Any fully completed days of the plan will be highlighted. Then the graph will show you your body weight measurements across each of the check-in points.

By tapping through the plan metrics you can see the required amounts set by your coaches. If this is a nutrition plan, the calories and macros will be individualised for you. If your coach edits these targets throughout the plan, you'll be notified and your new targets will display here for you.
On any of the metrics you'll be able to see all the data you've input so far displayed in both a graph and list view. And, if your coach has leaderboards turned on, you'll also be able to see what the other members on the plan are getting up to and how you are comparing against them.

From your homepage, tap the burger menu in the top left and 'Preferences'. Now either search for or scroll down to 'Dashboard Widgets'. Here you can turn on the Lifestyle widget so you can display the lifestyle plan you are on on your homepage and jump straight through to complete your daily tasks from here.

That's a quick overview of how to access and use a lifestyle plan from your members' app.


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