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CRM: Funnel #1 (Directing Customers to purchase from TeamUp First)
CRM: Funnel #1 (Directing Customers to purchase from TeamUp First)

How the BoxMate CRM works when asking potential new clients to purchase a trial with TeamUp as your first point of contact.

Danny Redfern avatar
Written by Danny Redfern
Updated over a year ago

This guide is designed to show you how to set up your BoxMate CRM if you are a gym who directs new potential members (prospects/ leads) to buy a trial drop in on TeamUp as your first point of contact with them.

For example, your Instagram, and/or Facebook/ other social links and website direct people to 'purchase' a free or paid drop in class through TeamUp, or purchase a set of trial sessions for a fixed price, say 5 sessions for £15, or a foundation pack or something similar.

For our full video guide on how to configure your CRM and all different options please click the first below/ for more info on setting up TeamUp see the second link below.

Keep reading THIS guide if you direct members to purchase with TeamUp first.

For a guide on how to setup your TeamUp customer site please click here:

TeamUp First Funnel:

When you want to direct all new/ potential customers to purchase a trial membership using TeamUp (whether this is a free drop in or a paid trial membership) as your first point of contact with them- BoxMate can then automatically add these customers to your CRM with any information such as name and email that they used to purchase the TeamUp session(s).

So, to get this set up, the first thing you'll need to do on the CRM Configuration page is to tell BoxMate which membership types you consider to be 'trial'.

Scroll to the bottom of the configuration page and under 'TeamUp Membership Configuration' you'll see a drop down of all the membership types you offer. Simply add any you consider to be a 'trial' into the trial area and any membership types you consider to be fully fledged customers into the 'customer area'. Now BoxMate will know how to auto-progress your clients as they make purchases on TeamUp.

In this example below, We've added a 1 week pass and 'One Class Only' example memberships into our trial area. These would be the membership/ purchase options we link to on our social media and website pages. Once a potential customer pays for or 'purchases' for free either a 1 week pass or the 'One class only - CrossFit' drop in, they will now automatically appear in the 'Leads in Trial' Area on our CRM so we can keep a close eye on anyone coming in to the gym and make sure we follow through with this lead once they've attended that first session.

Setting Up Social Media

So this bit is really simple. Across any social platforms you use (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Threads, Linked In) simply paste a link - this will either be the link to the page on your website that has TeamUp embedded on to it, or a direct link to the TeamUp booking page and the relevant membership/ drop in you want people to purchase. If you use LinkTree on your instagram or something similar, make sure to add any 'Trial Membership' options that you are happy for potential new customers to purchase straight away.

Hot Tip: We would always recommend embedding TeamUp on your website and directing everyone there, this way your website gets much more traffic which in turn gives it a better ranking in search engines like Google.

Setting Up Your Website

On your website you can link to TeamUp in two ways:

1 - Embed the TeamUp membership page directly into a page on your website. Make sure any call to action buttons on your site to go to that page and everything directs potential customers to purchase the trial membership you want them to.

2- Link directly to your TeamUp booking page from your website so members can view the different options to purchase.

So, when a potential customer clicks to sign up for their chosen membership or 'drop in session' they will then create a TeamUp customer account (if they don't already have one). Now, they will be automatically added to the BoxMate CRM under "Leads In Trial".

Managing these leads on your BoxMate CRM

When using this funnel, the 'New Lead' section will mostly become redundant as instead of your new leads filling in the BoxMate landing page form and ending up here, they will all arrive straight into the 'Leads in Trial' area right away.

So you can either minimise this 'New Lead' section completely or, you may choose to just use the 'New Lead' area to manually add leads if you've had a verbal conversation with them, or a conversation on a different platform and they aren't quite ready to actually purchase a trial through TeamUp just yet but you don't want to lose track of the lead.

At the top of the CRM page you'll see the 'Add manual lead' button next to the 'Configure CRM' button which will bring up the below pop up so you can manually add anyone into the system that doesn't come through your 'usual' route of purchasing a TeamUp drop in or trial membership.

Leads in Trial

The 'Leads in Trial' section on your CRM is where any potential new customer will land as soon as they purchase the trial TeamUp membership your social media pages and website directs them towards.

Now, you can keep a really close eye on this lead and make sure to help and integrate them into your gym community from the get-go!

So, to view information on this lead, simply tap on them, and from the pop up click 'Information' and here you can see the email/ phone number they came through with.

Now, the next part is up to you and your team. It might be that from here you usually pick up the phone for a friendly chat saying you can see they've purchased the trial or drop in and from there pick a good time / day for them to come in. Or, you might to this via text message/ WhatsApp or email etc.

Once you've had any sort of interaction with this person, from 'Journey' you can click to 'Add Note'

You can toggle which communication method you used to speak to this client and add any additional notes from that conversation too.

Now, if you've gone ahead and scheduled that time/ date for the intro - you can hit the 'schedule intro' button and select a time and date. This will clearly show in red next to the clients name now. By hovering over this red intro button it will show the time/ date scheduled in.

Once the date has come and gone and the lead successfully turned up to the planned in session in the gym, you can tap this red button and turn it green so on your list you can clearly see when a lead has attended their intro! (See images below!)

Now, once that lead has attended the intro you can make any notes you need to to their journey, and you can also send out further invites to TeamUp memberships now. For example, you might discuss with them on the day buying a full membership if they enjoyed their free drop in! So right from the journey, you can click 'Invite to TeamUp, select the membership type, add a personalised message and press send! this will send out an email to them with all the info they need to make the next purchase. Once they've done that, they will auto-progress to the next stage of the CRM which is 'New Customer Nurture'.

Converted To Customer / New Customer Nurture

Now, this lead should make the purchase you send and move through to the next stage automatically. However, if they don't auto-progress - you can set a follow up date on them to remind you to give them a quick call or message in a day or so, or a week (depending on how you like to do things at your gym!) and just make sure they understand everything/ have everything they need and are still keen to get signed up.

They will live in this section of your CRM for 90 days so you can keep a really close eye on them before continuing their journey with you on your BoxMate members list where you can still make any notes on your customers there!

Joining BoxMate

In the configuration area of your CRM you have several choices to make to get the CRM flowing as you'd like it to for your gym.

One of those choices is to decide when the lead will be invited to join your BoxMate account.

Some gyms have this set to 'When a lead converts to a full membership'. This is the moment where this person has committed to your gym community and needs to see all the fabulous communications you are sending out and you are happy to start paying for their BoxMate account as part of their membership.

Some gyms like this to be set at 'When a lead starts a trial'. This is because, they want the new lead to become integrated into the BoxMate community from the get-go and see what other members are posting and doing/ get involved in conversations and see the lovely side of the gym.

However, you can have this set to whatever you want! You could keep it to 'invite manually' so that you only send out an invite to BoxMate at the point you decide you want to - and to do this you'd just click 'invite to BoxMate' on their customer journey.

Other Functions in your Lead Actions

You can click 'TeamUp Sync' to make sure the latest TeamUp information is up to date for this lead (this might be that the memberships have changed on the config or you've changed the trial/ customer list and want to make sure everyone is in the right place in the funnel).

You can manually 'Invite to BoxMate' which will send them an email outlining how to join up with BoxMate.

'Progress Lead' - this by-passes the auto-function and lets you move the lead into the next stage of the funnel manually. This might be handy if they've paid for a trial outside of TeamUp and you still want them to move from New Lead to Trial (for example).

Archive - this will archive the lead and move it into the 'Archive' section of your CRM

Remove - this will permanently delete the lead / data for this person from your CRM system

TeamUp Auto-Approve

The flow for members to get onto their synced BoxMate + TeamUp account is really simple (you can see how easy it is for a member by watching this short video here - )

We always recommend keeping TeamUp Auto- Approve ON in your settings. This is because this means any new members can download BoxMate from the app store, tap 'Use TeamUp' and sign up for BoxMate with their pre-existing TeamUp login details - and all done!

So, if you head to Account > Settings and then tap the TeamUp tab (as in the screenshot below) you'll see the Auto Approve box. Here you can make sure auto-approve is turned ON and also add any exclusions to memberships that give auto-access to BoxMate here too!

So, for example, you might decide that only certain membership types should let people automatically access BoxMate. You might have a drop in class, or a 1 week pass or something similar that you don't want to unlock BoxMate access - so you can add those memberships as excluded and be sure that only the membership types you want to unlock access to BoxMate are left in the dropdown list!

Anything Else?

So, this is just ONE way to get the CRM up and running for your gym. Check out our other funnels to see different ways to configure your CRM - For example, if you always prefer to speak to someone on the phone before they can purchase a drop in, having the BoxMate landing page might be ideal for you! This way, you can ask any questions you want to on the landing page, collate all the info you need and then have leads land in your 'New Lead' area so you can contact them before deciding to invite them to TeamUp or BoxMate. Check out our Funnel 2 for this flow.

More Automations

If you are looking to add automations to your CRM - for example, you want a series of emails or texts to send out to people at various points in the CRM - for example, as soon as they land in the trial or customer area, then you can also do this through our Zaiper connections to MailChimp and Twilio. Check out our separate guides for how to get this up and running.

Thanks! Team BoxMate

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